Mares Cargo Pocket



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Mares Cargo Pocket


Mares Cargo Pocket

The Mares Cargo Pocket replaces the old SLS found on the Mares Pure SLS BCD.

This high volume pocket replaces the old SLS system and provides outstanding storage.

This pocket is fitted by simply removing the old SLS and attaching this cargo pocket to the belt.

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  • Užtikrinta kokybė
  • Saugūs mokėjimo metodai
  • Siunčiame į visą pasaulį
  • 14 дней гарантия возврата денег.
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Mares Cargo Pocket

The Mares Cargo Pocket replaces the old SLS found on the Mares Pure SLS BCD.

This high volume pocket replaces the old SLS system and provides outstanding storage.

This pocket is fitted by simply removing the old SLS and attaching this cargo pocket to the belt.